During the months of September through May we offer a variety of ministries and classes on Wednesday evenings which are designed to make us better disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are usually two adult classes meeting, each covering various topics from marriage, to finances, to book studies on the Bible. It is a night when our youth meet, as well as our AWANA kids. And we have a wonderful nursery for your little ones from infant through 4 years old.
The evening beings with dinner at 5:30 pm, for a nominal cost for the whole family, followed by the discipleship classes which begin at 6:15 pm.
During the summer months, we usually offer one or two adult classes which begin at 6:15 pm and cover a verse by verse study of a book of the Bible or a topical study. There is no childcare and no dinner during the summer.
For the most up-to-date information, contact the church.